PMEP’s new West Coast Estuary and Nearshore Habitat Viewer is available now. Launched at the recent American Fisheries Society meeting, this new interactive tool combines our estuary datasets with our new nearshore habitat datasets into one easy-to-use platform. The Viewer supports users importing their own spatial data as well as data readily available at ArcGIS Online. Combine these with the PMEP data layers to compare, overlay, and synthesize information to support resource management, habitat conservation and restoration goal setting. PMEP data layers are also available for download. Find the Viewer and PMEP data HERE.

- September 6, 2024
- Joan Drinkwin
- Uncategorized
Come learn about PMEP and other fish habitat partnerships around the country at the American Fisheries Society meeting in Honolulu. We’ll be participating in a symposium Tuesday highlighting the National Fish Habitat Partnership and multiple fish habitat partnerships. The session, Local, Regional, and National Collaboration to Conserve Aquatic Habitats, runs all day in room 307AB.