Effective Estuary Restoration Symposium

March 12, 2024

Register HERE.

Exploring the design, methods, and monitoring of estuary restoration along the U.S. West Coast in the context of a changing climate.

This one day virtual symposium will bring together experts in the field of estuary restoration along the U.S. West Coast to explore effective estuary restoration topics.

This is the first of three annual symposiums that will explore a wide range of pressing topics in estuary restoration including:

  • Design considerations and restoration methods
  • Climate change and estuary restoration
  • Monitoring estuary restoration
  • Documenting estuary restoration

The symposiums are designed to support estuary restoration practitioners and will include opportunities to share techniques, ask questions, and build a community of practice.

Registration is now open! Register HERE.

FY2025 PMEP Request for Proposals is Now Live!

The Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership (PMEP) requests proposals for projects that restore, enhance, or protect estuarine and nearshore marine fish habitat conservation and restoration along the West Coast. Restoration, acquisition, and assessment projects are eligible. PMEP will award an estimated $250,000-$350,000 in FY2025 for projects that advance its mission. In an effort to fund a diverse portfolio of projects, strong project proposals that request less than $100,000 are preferred. However, proposals of particular merit may be funded at a higher level, at PMEP’s discretion.

The project proposals are due by 5:00PM Friday, December 1, 2023. Project sponsors should assume that funding will be received in Summer of 2025.

Proposals must be submitted online through the Jotform platform.

For more information, access the full Request for Proposals and application instructions HERE

Flower Pot Creek Fish Passage and Tidal Reconnection Project Receives FY23 PMEP Funding

Flower Pot Creek is a tributary flowing directly into Tillamook Bay. It crosses Bayocean Road, directly before its confluence with Tillamook Bay, at an old, deteriorating, and undersized culvert. This culvert acts as a physical barrier to adequate tidal exchange and a velocity barrier to fish passage during certain flows. Replacing this undersized culvert with a properly sized bridge will increase tidal exchange in the wetland and eliminate a fish barrier. This wetland supports spawning and rearing for Oregon Coast ESU coho salmon, Chinook salmon and steelhead. The Flower Pot Creek Fish Passage and Tidal Reconnection Project, lead by Trout Unlimited, will improve connectivity to approximately 1.4 stream miles and 14.6 acres of tidally influenced wetland. We will replace an undersized, deteriorating culvert with a bridge and streambed simulation. This will correct a fish passage barrier and allow for natural tidal and steam functions to occur. This culvert is highly ranked on the Salmon SuperHwy priority list and the adjacent wetlands are ranked medium-high priority in the Tidal Wetlands Prioritization for Tillamook Bay.